Saturday, March 22, 2008

In simple terms...First MUD

I no the prev msg had lines that cud not be comprehended in one read. In fact it cant be comprehended after many reads also cos it has many terms. So here i provide an easier explanation for each term employed.
First what is Multi-User Detection (MUD)?
Any multi user communication system is inherently interference limited. With the increase in number of users, interference between the users known as Multiple Access Interference or MAI swells, severely hindering the system capacity. Therefore there exist a need for an efficient algorithm that will cancel, limit, avoid or reduce interference. In the case of Conventional receivers (eg. matched filter) the received signals from other users are treated as noise and are decoded independently. However, since signals from other users are also required for decoding at the base station, estimates of signals from other users can be used to estimate the interference and cancel it from the desired signal. This leads to the concept called Multi-User Detection (MUD).

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