Sunday, June 15, 2008

Money Rules !!

It’s so easy to say that we shouldn’t be money-minded. That money is not everything in the world. Money can buy ‘this’ but not ‘that’ and ‘that’ ends up being more important. But all said and done. There’s no denying the fact that money still rules the world. Every step we take right from when we are born till our death requires money. Money can buy houses but not homes. How many times have we heard this? But then to make a home we first need a house. And here is where money steps in. Everyone wants to be famous for good things and they try their best to show out that money holds no value for them. But its just a miniscule amount of people in this world who can actually give up money and luxury for something. And anyhow my question is why we have to. When we are given the choice of leading a good life and also not feeling for it why does everyone want to go the hard way. Why do you want to shun money when its not necessary. So throw away the goody-goody face and come out to be yourself. The world can’t live without money. Now that’s a fact. Learn to live with it. And please stop blaming money for everything. Even if in a small amount it’s the reason your alive today.

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