Monday, May 11, 2009

Staying Away..Being Independent..

I believe everyone should live away from their parents for few days, especially before their mid 20's get over. Because it's only then that you understand where true love and concern lies. When you stay with them though you do understand, you don't fully gt to grasp what you are enjoying. Which can be seen when you finally leave them and settle on your own. The you'll know how much you've taken for granted in these numerous. The constant care you get from their side will be much more than all the tit-bits that you get from all around you. And you'll be able to experience it first hand. You'll see that you may expect a lot of things from the many people around, but the only one who exceeds all your wildest expectations will be your parents. In their own sweet way which will beat all comparisons they triumph. And then you understand why parents are equalled to God in many places. Why this relationship is given more importance than any other the world over. After all be thankful that there are still relationships in the world that don't require you to stretch out your hand to revel them.

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