Every tiny star that twinkles in the night sky,
Every drop of golden rain.
Every rainbow in the sky,
Every single butterfly,
Tells the fascinating news to those who dare to hope.
And the message is
God still loves the world.
A lyric that caught me the minute I heard it. It's quite simple. Talks about every single gift that nature shows us and ends saying that all this is a sign. A sign that God Loves Us. Man has always been His greatest and most precious creation. He
created Man in His own likeness. When Man erred God was so hurt but He didn't destroy man. Instead God only punished him and sent him out of God's home. But God didn't forsake Man. Nor did He stop His love for Man. He so much loved the world that he
sent His only Son to save us from our death. To give us the new life. He gave us a second chance to help us live anew. How much can we thank Him? No words are enough to sing of His graces. No words enough for His love. No words there are to thank Him.
The only little thing that ewe could do. We better do it well. We have to love the Lord God in the same way with a unblemished heart. He resides in the Holy place. let us make our hearts holy enough for Him.
Hi Isabell.. i was looking for this song for sometime.. it really touched me when i heard it while i was attending mass. but coudnt find the lyrics anywhere... do u have the full lyrics/mp3 of it?
Hi Monu..
I only know 1 stanza of it and wanted to know the complete Lyrics( I am not sure if it is completeor there are more stanzas in it), let me know if you come across the complete lyrics.
The part I know ..I am writing it down :
Every tiny star that twinkles in the night sky
Every drop of morning dew
Every spark of fire blazing in the furnace
Every captivating view
Every rainbow in the sky
Every pretty butterfly
Tells the facsinating news to those who dare to hope
And the message is God still loves the world
God still ..still Loves the world
So throw your life into his hands
Day by day discern his plans
God is passionately busy loving you and me
Every Man and Woman pledge in love forever
Every little new born child
Every little favour of a needy neighbour
every radiating smile
Every hand that offers love
Every little drop of blood
Tells the fascinating news to those who dare to hope
And the message is God still loves the world
God still...still loves the world
So throw your life into his hands
Day by day discern his plans
God is passionately busy loving you and me..
hi isabell...do you the chords of God still loves the world...if you dont mind...wud you post it...tnx...for posting the lyrics...=)
hi isabell...do you have the chords of God still loves the world...if you dont mind...wud you post it...tnx for posting the lyrics...=)
Hey Guys,
mail me at bluenicotine@gmail.com for lyrics and chords of this hymn.
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