Saturday, August 15, 2009

Another indepenedence day

Seems like just another day. But no it is an important day in every Indian's life. It is our independence day. Something for which our forefathers gave their lives and fought every second. Just so that we could enjoy the freedom which they were not entitled to. And yet its all lost on us. You have programs on TV, people hoisting flags, but the importance is just not the same. For most it's another holiday. For those who still have work its just another day. I remember looking forward to this day when in school just cos it meant a day off on a weekday. And then I slowly remember getting the patriotism when watching "Roja", the most famous movie of those times, and of course during a cricket match. But then was that that was to be for an independence day. No one will ever know the true meaning, and so no one can even say which is the true spirit. After all we were all born well into the independent India era, not even in the least way affected. Every thing we do will not be enough gratitude for our ancestors. But a simple thought might be good too. Learn to respect the freedom you've gained. Learn to value it.

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