I rem waking up at 5.30 all on my own (somethin ive never done in my 4 yrs of coll life), getting ready and all set asking my dad to drop me at the chetput church(“fast pappa, the bus will be der at 6.15 sharp”), and as most eager fathers do mine too dropped me rite on time der. Den started de wait (wid reji, frenchi and a no of others from my church). Waitin til 8..!!.it did come finally and guess wich bus…my coll bus.!!. Act they had booked my coll buses only for the first 2 days. I entered the bus and the driver was lik “Amma, dis bus is not going to coll”...!! Lik I dint no. Did he think I was crazy to attend coll on holidays…esp pongal holidays.
Anyways the initial trouble notwithstanding v continued our journey. Thru teynampet, cenotaph road, kotturpuram, crossing Madhya kailash and Tidal Park and den on thru ECR…on n on n on. Past VGP, Mayajaal, MGM, past my coll, a glance over the start of mahabs…still goin on n on…until v wer sure thy wer planning to take us to
And der v got down like the good children v are, picked up r bags and on towards the registration area to collect r stuff, id cards and directions for our dorms. But before proceeding to the rooms v did the first thing most of us do…rush to the cafeteria for r food. It was a nice breakfast(at 10.30)..!!..more like brunch. And den after a wash n some freshening up v went to the main hall for the inaugural.
In addition to the addresses by the various heads of the organization v had the rendition of the 100th Year Anthem by the MGOCSM members of the Chennai church.
This was followed by the flag hosting ceremony outside wid the various delegates posing with der team. And den each wer given a balloon asked to wish for something spl and send it to heaven…Direct to God :)
Well after that v had the sing song by the Oxygen group of our church. A bunch of young guys n girls who enjoy singing and use music as a tool to get u closer to the Lord. They had some amazing songs and dey treated us to those songs everyday for half hour.
After so much of fun, well, there had to be some serious work too. Some work for r mind and soul. So here v go on to the main address of the day:
Celebrate n rediscover Christ thru orthodoxy in our worship---Rev Fr Dr John Mathews
And the T20 talks by Philip Kurivilla achen and Kuruvilla George
Well I cant say much abt the above 3 since I cant spin such big stories. I’ll confess. I wasn’t der for any of the talks rite from D1 to the last…Im not proud abt this fact and I wont say I was so busy. I act made sure I somehow got myself busy by doing something jus to avoid them. I was never an avid listener of speeches and it really takes too much of effort to make me one so I dint take the chance. Hey but I heard tht few talks wer really good…told by my mom who dint attend the conference..!! Well she used to read these talks wich wer published in the Manorama.
Im skipping the next talk too, one by Rev Fr Thomas Ninan (the reason is obvious-hey nothing against the achens…trust me), but I want to talk abt the Gregorian worship tht we had. It was awesome(to say in one word). I cant describe the feeling I had there…sitting wid no lights on, jus the candles burning giving tht calm, sometimes eerie atmosphere, wer u cud feel ur own breath, every small twitch tht ur body makes. It made us feel like v wer in a different place, far far away from earth, wer u cud feel the presence of the Unseen, the perfect place wer anyone will fall down on their feet n pray. And to add to all this wer the pictures. Those images wer so lovely, never seen many of tht type. I think they are Gregorian style ones, but ones in wich each character was given so deep features making them all so real, drawing u to them.
That was it for the first day. It broke early for the first day na?..Yes it did. V wer al in r beds by 12. Too early but then tht was cos it was the first day. And of course v had mass the next morn. At 7. And so all had to be in bed early to wake up early. So g’nite for now.
And here are the pics:
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