Monday, February 18, 2008

Y do v need to pray ?

This was a topic i started in r community in orkut...and i got so many replies from such a large no of wonderful ppl...some of them even researched jus to get the answers wid link and all....wat can i say than jus put down all tht i learned from short...a a summary...

Prayer is not just a petition of our needs and wants in this world but constant conversation with God cos, we understand Him as the one who loves us the most, as the One who lives in us....V need Him just like all humans need air, water, food, family and friends to survive. Faith is a way of life for us wich keeps us sane in today's mad, world....Prayer is where we establish our relationship with God...Christ sustains us, and He is a part of our lives....But in order to open up our hearts to Christ,we need to establish a relationship with Him in prayer...Prayer makes God more accessible to the believer...Prayer is a way of training the will to desire the good, as well as of turning our wills towards the highest concentration of all good, namely God...God wants us to have a part in the task of shaping this world through prayer and knowledge and work
By prayer we do change reality. God has given us that power...But this power is not available to us until we become more godlike...
In prayer the first focus is God. The second focus is other people. Only in the third place should we ask things for ourselves.....

And the following are my additions...wat i felt abt i had seen it....

Prayer is one way how v learn to move closer to God, in wich v approach the goodness of helps us to renew our relationship wid the person who created us...jus lik a daily conversation wid our mom or dad brings us close together...this is one way wer v can talk to r heavenly father...but y talk to Him wen v hav our parents..? cos He's the reason v hav our parents....He's left a part of Himself widin me jus lik my dad's left a part of himself in me...i look to my dad to und hw i can be more lik him...similarly i pray to God to find out how i can be more like Him....Will he answer me wen i ask somethin...??...thts somethin i hav to find out on my own...Prayer makes me understand my it good...?? makes me feel that there is somethin above me much stronger wich has control over my life....It makes me feel human....Prayer makes me believe in miracles....
So do u pray...?..if not ur missing something....ur missing a part of urself u ill never no otherwise...try them out....

"nanniyoda njaan sthuthi paadeedum yente yeshu naadha
yennikkaay nee cheythoru nannmaykkay ennum nanni chollidum njaan"

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