Centum Glorios started on a holy note the next morn. We had the English Holy Communion celebrated by HG Dr Yacoub Mar Iraneous and accompanied by the Broadway Cathedral Choir.
After that was we headed to the cafeteria to have our breakfast and a lil bit of freshening up.
This was followed by the sessions for that day. Oxygen started of with the praise and song worship for the day. And den we had Dr. P.C. Alexander giving a gist of the moments he relished being with the MGOCSM. The next session which was a the second portion of the main theme (Celebrating and rediscovering Christ through Orthodoxy in our Study) was given by Rev. Fr. Philip Thomas. We then broke for lunch.

Do ask me whether I listened to any of the above discourses..? Well no..i tried to catch up on those ppl with whom I knew I wud never get a chance to be wid after this conference. So there I was at the help desk, at the reception, all around the place, enjoying this beauty never seen in the city and also enjoyin it with the ppl I like most...[J] After lunch we were supposed to be back for the T20 talk by Valson Thampu…Lik I did..!! Hey but I dint go cos v had to dress up…u see the public meeting was starting at 4…many senior members of our church from Chennai were gonna come for it…and as part of the celebs we were singing the MGOCSM centenary anthem. It was to be sung by a 100 member choir as shown…count it..!!

And I was in a sari that day…and as usual it was tied bad..!! Thankfully Vineeta was there…as always the now ‘kochamma’ helped out. Cha..!! a kid one yr younger than me did it for me…that’s wen I decided I’m gonna learn to tie it on my own…hmmm back to the past…so sari tied, practice over and we all stepped into the main hall. That’s wen they called us over to sing the welcome song for the thirumenis (Thobashalom). The hall was empty with few of us in there. We took our places. The first ones to enter were the laymen, then the tirumenis entered and we started our song. The rest all I remember is clicks, clicks n clicks (Camera yaar !!). But I dint expect so much. Everyone who had a camera was der taking snaps. Imagine 20+ of them clicking away, focusing their cameras on u as us sing…mite be normal for many but not for me…I was taken aback…dint no weder to laugh, stare or act normal (that I cudnt !!). Of course I faced this once again wen we sang as a 100 member choir but then it dint seem as much as it did now…!! But felt spl for that second [;)]. Small things u can turn back n smile at in life…

Ok. I said so much abt this dint talk abt the public meeting. Well guess wat to bring the tirumenis and priests to the main hall we had a procession of ‘chenda mellam’ (characteristic of krla) called from there [:)] and of the band playing…but then ya…the chenda mellam took all the attention.
There were speeches as usual. In the middle of one speech all of us walked out (act v wanted to change) but it was so obvious wid 60+ of us walkin out and that dignitary was like “They think they know it all and so don’t want to listen”…Hmmmm.!! So lets get over with the public meeting and get on with the fireworks…how lovely u no…too good, amazing ones…esp the one which went like worms on the sky…so colourful and ending with the MGOCSM one…

Then we had the extempore ‘Talk Your Way To Jerusalem’. There were 5 finalists, good topics, few spoke well in that. But ya extempore is difficult. I shudnt speak abt it. I cant even do my presentations properly. Anyhow the winner decided we went to the next prog the rock show..!! The one wich had so many controversies and caused ppl to make such big issues in krla..!! Well wat r progs without any controversies. It just shows how much famous this conference was. [J] Anyways so coming to the show there were 4 churches participating and we were supporting Chennai. We have to..!! but still Bombay was amazing. I have to admit it…they’re song selection and the way they sang…in parts…jus four voices but strong ones…too good it was…and of course so it was easy to decide the winner. And to end the day in a spl way we had a live show

by Swapna Abraham- a famous gospel singer. Oh her voice..!! the most amazing one among all that ive heard…gave me goosebumps…felt there was nothing else worth doing than listening to her day and nite. But then all good things come to an end and this day too did. At 12 midnite all of us said good nite (shud hav been Gud Morning) and went off to sleep…so here ends the second day.
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